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Journal robi2106's Journal: Bicycle Commuting: Day 1

Asside from finding a broken shower pipe that is flooding my walls last night which made me stay up till 4am poking around in the wall and fretting like crazy and making me shift my shedule back by 4 hours.....

I actually made my first bike commute to work. Of course it was at 11:30am and not 7am when it should be.

It was windy (34 mph with gusts up to 45MPH ). Dammmm windy. Dangerous actually. But the temp was plesant (60s) and there was no precipitation.

Road Conditions:
Construction. The main road I drive (no bike) to head to work is under construction. That means lots of patched up road and that is not good for road bike tires / rims. I'll either have to take a full lane when riding there, or go somewhere else because there is no shoulder.

Light. Only one major stop light to wait at along with a dozen or so vehicles.

Physical Conditioning:
Sucking. Hard. And. Long. Of course I was fighting a bad wind, biking with ~20lbs of crap on the back, and for the second time in several years. But I still got elevated heart rate and broke a sweat (not like that is hard to do). Forgot to wear my gloves so hands were sore.

Over All Impression:
I'm a wimp. Driving is easier. More money would change this situation (ie not have to scrimp on the funds) but would probably just make me worry about money more. The more you have the more you have to loose.

Now if only I could get PAID to do this or get paid while doing this.....

1) Buy Bike
2) Sell Car
3) ???

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Bicycle Commuting: Day 1

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