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This discussion was created by GeckoFood (585211) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[fun] Rubik's Cube

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  • I wouldn't make pictures from them. I would rearrange the stickers to make them unsolvable, then give them all away. Yes, I'm that evil :)

    Makes me wonder what would happen if some assembly line worker at the Rubik's factory happened to become disgruntled and wanted to "change" a few of the stickers on every cube being made...

    • Makes me wonder what would happen if some assembly line worker at the Rubik's factory happened to become disgruntled and wanted to "change" a few of the stickers on every cube being made...

      Haha. Only, it would probably be noticed in short order because, if I recall correctly, Rubik's cubes are shipped already-solved.
      (Also, as I understand it, Rubik's brand Rubik's cubes are supposedly really poorly made and their stickers fall off within hours, so its a moot point anyway unless we're talking about the Knoc

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