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Journal cyan's Journal: How to not play Texas Hold'em

As of this writing, I'm fifth place overall in the World Pub Poker Tour. This is out of about 300 people. Not too bad.

But, boy did I ever play some shitty poker tonight. The first hand of the night had me chasing a gut shot straight draw. Stupid. Then, as if that wasn't enough to teach me a lesson, I went halfway through chasing a flush. To make up for my sudden lack of chips, I tried to semi-bluff a hand while I still had enough to be dangerous. I got called and out-kicked, and was the first person out. In poker slang, this is called being the "donkey" ;)

The second game wasn't too bad. I was two people away from making final table and had my queen-high flush beat by a king-high flush, while there was an ace in my suit on the board.

If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?
