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Journal eglamkowski's Journal: Good going WSB News! 4

I set my alarm clock radio to radio mode instead of alarm, so I wake up to the morning news on 750 WSB every morning. This morning, I wake up and catch the announcer saying the Taliban tried to kill Cheney. WTF?

I have to wait a good 15 minutes before that story comes around again. In the mean time, every other headline for the morning has been repeated like 3 times in that 15 minutes. But an assassination attempt against the VP by the enemies we are currently fighting a war against? Apparently that's not considered very worthy news, eh?

Which is shocking considering the extent to which "news" agencies will desperately try to stretch out certain two second "news" stories into a 24 hour wall-to-wall coverage for weeks on end (*cough*Anna Nicole Smith*cough*). But when it's an actual, bona fide real NEWS story (note no scare quotes!) I actually want to hear something about, they gloss over it as quickly as they can rush the words out of their mouth and move on without reporting ANY details at all.


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Good going WSB News!

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  • Maybe they were just disappointed with the result, and didn't want to talk about it.
    • The thing is, WSB radio is conservative talk radio (really more libertarian, but still rightward leaning). They are home to Neal Boortz and also run Sean Hannity and Michael Savage and Herman Cain and Allen Hunt [] ("Where real life and faith come together!") and a few others you probably wouldn't have heard of unless you live in Atlanta like Chris Krok

      Granted, the news reporter is none of the above, and maybe the news editors feel differently than the pundits, that's certainly a possibility. But it did strik
      • by mwlewis ( 794711 )

        Yeah, well, I listen to WMAL, which is also pretty conservative (Fred Grandy is one of the morning hosts--they also run Rush, Hannity and Levin), and all they wanted to talk about was a local aunt who came to school, pulled her [misbehaving] nephew's pants down and whipped his bare butt with a belt in front of the class. OK, they eventually talked about Cheney, but still.

        Also, Afghanistan isn't so interesting. But I think it's probably good news for us if the Taliban are spoiling to come out and fight

      • "On the one hand, there's real life; on the other, there is..."

        Oh dear.

What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
