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Journal eglamkowski's Journal: pk

And another problem I'm having:

I am try to unzip this file on a linux box and am getting:
unsupported compression method 99

As per here:

I have this one file where byte 8 is "63" but compression methods are values supposed to range from 0 to 8? It isn't clear if each nibble can have a separate value of 0 to 8 and thus there can be four compression flags (one for each nibble in bytes 8 and 9), or if 63 is just not a valid value here.

Otherwise bit 1 of byte 6 is set, which, if we assume the compression value of 6 is indeed what is meant by the first nibble of byte 8, then that would mean:
if compression method 6 used (imploding), 8K sliding dictionary.

fsck me, I'm running into the little endian vs. big endian thing. Gotta do some byte swapping to match up to the documentation... Grrrr....

And that's it:
AE-2 with 256-bit encryption key using the deflated compression method.



7za can decompress/decrypt the AE-2 format.

Just in case you're wondering.

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