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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: [Food] V-day 3

Ribeye steaks with baked potatoes. We drank Pinot Noir with this. The ribeye actually ended up being nice and red on the inside still. Usually I guess we end up with thinner steaks so they cook all the way through. The wine actually seemed to cancel with the ribeye which was kind of weird. I guess I didn't really expect that to happen.

Shrimp Scampi. We decided to just stick with the one wine, so no Chardonnay to go with this dish. Fiance said that the Pinot Noir went ok with it, but I just stuck to the water at that point. The most unfortunate thing is that around here it is nearly impossible to get fresh seafood. Our home-town is on the river, so you can even go to like a Wal-mart to get fresh seafood. We tried all the grocers here, and none of them had any, so we had to get the frozen shrimp. I thought it was still good though, because the frozen shrimp tasted less seafoody than the fresh do (I don't much like seafood).

Dessert was red velvet cake that I made (fiance made the ribeye and scampi). It was very nearly a disaster. The baking times on the box were wrong, so if not for my OCD checking of the cake it probably would have burnt to all hell. Next time I will try butter to grease the pans, as vegetable oil is not working the way I want it to. Cake tastes pretty good, if nothing else.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[Food] V-day

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  • Finding what you like in wine and food together is often trial and error... don't give up ;-)
    • We had some the other day with our pasta, and the wine tasted less alcoholy. Does the alcohol evaporate out over time or something? Or are we already used to it...

      We are planning on trying a white wine after we finish off this bottle. Will let you know.

      • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
        Yeah, some will evaporate. You should get one of those cork and vacuum pump sets (not sure what it's called in English) if you're not going to finish up bottles of wine. It gets the air out so that the wine doesn't get vinegary...

In English, every word can be verbed. Would that it were so in our programming languages.
