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Journal Zarf's Journal: A whole new world 1

Those of you that have read my journal for a while know that I've had jobs in C, Perl, and even Ada. The great irony of my career is that I was actually a much stronger C++ candidate straight out of University. Not just C++ but MS Visual C++. I did a brain bench right after graduating and had a perfect score in OOP.

So I was a very very strong MS/OOP/C++ candidate but there were three jobs on the table and the Perl job paid thirty percent more than the C++ jobs. So I took the Perl job and thus began my days as a Perl/Linux/C hacker. And, also a great lesson in the fact that the higher paying job may not be the better one.

In the last couple of years at my current job, we've begun to realize that simple CRUD practices won't get us by anymore. If we want our company to have real advancement we would have to provide our business with more sophisticated software. Trading Perl for PHP or JSP would only be re-arranging deck chairs on a sinking ship.

We needed to make the leap ahead. We needed to move beyond just fetching data and throwing it at batch jobs. And so I began digging into the cutting edge of computer technology. Past the hype and past the commercial interests several important things have begun to happen.

The world of computing is about to change again.

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A whole new world

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