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Lord of the Rings

Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: The Wedding Rant 9

This is going to be much worse than it would have been had I just written it last week, because I just finished talking to my mom. As in I said I was going to lay down on account of feeling sick, but I was really just tired of talking to her about weddings.

Just a few days shy of the 3 month mark. And guess how much is planned. Nothing! The only thing we've agreed upon is the date. Well, fiance and I agreed on it, everyone else thinks it's a stupid day because it is a Friday. The "oh that's a strange day" comments are old. Still have not agreed upon the time.

And guess what? Since there is no time, there have been no invitation purchases. So they are probably not going to get sent out at the proper time. And we'll probably end up having to buy the damn things at a Kinko's like my aunt because they couldn't decide on anything in due time either.

I went to David's Bridals again. The first time my parents drove down, and the whole thing was a flipping circus and horrible. I just went with fiance and it was much nicer and I found 2 dress styles that I liked. While both are on the cheap side for wedding dresses, they are more expensive than my mom wants to pay (she wanted me to go with the $99 dress, that I will call Amish). So I still don't have a dress either, and according to the wedding planner thing, it should be sent in for final alterations now.

Even picking out the cake style I wanted was hell with my mom. She wants the traditional layers stacked on poles cake. I picked out one where the different cakes are on different pedestals because I think that looks nicer. I don't think she agrees, but my dad must have talked her into shutting the hell up about it.

So, the dress is too expensive (they are listed at $599 with $50 for the sale right now), and the photography is too expensive at $800 to keep all the proofs and negatives. Well, I guess I could always just tell her what fiance tells me, that we could pay his sister "like $50 to do it" and then cry.

No one understands why I don't want attendants.

The last thing my mom asked me today is "do you want your dad to walk you down the aisle." At that point I had just had enough. No I do not want him to, because they are not "giving me away" I am leaving. If they (particularly my mom) had anything to do with it, I would not be getting married at all. So that just seems stupid to me. But how the crap do you tell them that. It will just hurt their feelings.

Basically I am not wanting to do any of this wedding shit anymore. I am going to start begging fiance to elope again because I really cannot do all this stress anymore. If that doesn't work I don't know what I'll do. It's getting sorely tempting to just call the whole thing off and be one of the perpetually engaged and never married couples. I don't think anyone (including fiance) would get that either though.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The Wedding Rant

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  • First of all, it's your wedding. You are entitled to do it the way you want, but that may mean that you have to pay for it. Might be better just to ask your parents how much they are prepared to pay up front, rather than having your mother nickel-and-dime you on every single item.

    That said, there is another question that you really need to ask yourself: whether or not you are really ready to get married. I do not really know enough of the context here, but it sounds like you have a lot that needs to be
    • I am beginning to think that my mom reads this, though I'm not entirely sure how she would have found it. But today she finally gave me an amount of money (which is 20% less than fiance were willing to put in when we thought we were going to pay for everything ourselves, and we thought our amount was low). And she did a lot of explaining of other things regarding the wedding.

      It isn't really my wedding at all. It's the party I'm throwing for everyone else, because I don't want one. I want so bad to

  • I think you guys should wait a year. Or elope. Do you really want to do this wedding? I get the impression that you're only going through the motions but that you're really not into any of it...
    • You win! I do not want to have a wedding. Like at all. Fiance is the one who insists that we have to have the wedding to get married. All I want to do is be married not get married. Basically he told me that eloping wasn't an option, because eloping means no wedding.

      It is frustrating because I am the only one wanting to not have a wedding, and I'm also the one who is having to do all the planning. Fiance basically refuses to discuss it saying it is a waste of time unless we are actually in the to

  • I'm not going to pretend I am a marriage expert in any way, shape, or form. But I think they have those suggestions in the marriage planning books for a reason. A wedding can be planned in 3 months, but you seem to frown on the sacrifices you have to make to get things done in time, like getting Kinkos invitations. If one of you wants this wedding, and you aren't going to be happy with the one you can plan, I suggest picking a new date. Not generically postponing it, but specifically picking a new date that
    • I would have been more than happy to follow the schedule in the planning books, especially since by the time our selected date rolls around, we will have been engaged for almost 1 year and 9 mos, which even beats out the 18 mos they seem to say it takes to plan most weddings.

      I wanted to concentrate on finishing school first. Which even given that would have given 6 mos of planning time solid. We were going to spend summer breaks and winter breaks doing some checking out of the vendors and actual plan

  • In the middle of your hand. It comes in very handy for telling family members what to do. Best part is, they can't hate you, because they are family.

    Use it. :)
    • I definitely think that I am going to have to. Unfortunately my family probably would hate me for it though, as I am the end of the line of many many grudge-holders. Not that at this point it would make much difference if they didn't like me, because I'm avoiding them right now, so the end result will probably be the same.

      I guess that's why they say something about how "they're your family because you don't get to choose them". Sorry I'm horrible at remembering cliche statements. Maybe I should hav

There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly.
