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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Someone just tried to break into my apartment 4

This is why I hate ground-level apartments. Two people (either incompetent theives or drunk students) tried to break into my apartment through the kitchen window about half an hour ago (3:30am EST). They succeeded in pulling the screen off, and had a small cinderblock all ready to smash the window in.

Luckily, they never got to use that cinderblock. I walked into the kitchen (I was up coding, believe it or not) and asked the window what the fuck it was doing. Dark sneakers ran away. And I called the cops. Apparently, I was not the only person to call them. I am not amused.

So much for trying to fall asleep now. I'll update this entry with more specifics if anyone wants to listen to me rant (not that you normally get that choice).

UPDATE: On closer inspection, the screen was cut off with a knife. All I saw were the dark sneakers through the window (it's elevated a little), I never saw anything else of the guys who tried to break in, as I was opposed to the idea of confronting them in any way other than a verbal manner.

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Someone just tried to break into my apartment

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  • That has got to freak you out. I had a similiar incident where someone tried to break into both my house as well as our neighbor. He hit our neighbors house 3 times, striking every other Sunday, really late at night.

    At least one of the times, the guy had jumped the fence and got away thru my neighbors back yard.

    Please don't take this as racist. I only point this out as part fact, part speculation by the neighborhood. The perputrator was black. This was an non-black neighborhood. We had 3 asian families and the rest were white. It was way off any main road. Two weeks prior to the robberies, a black family had moved into a house that had its back yard up against the back yard of the my neighbors who was robbed. It was a big coincidence, and the neighborhood was completely distrustful of them ever since.
    • My neighborhood is fairly mixed. Not sure of the exact details, but I know there are at least three or four black families literally within a stone's throw of my house. I assume the rest of the street/neighborhood is the same. What would really suck would be if there were some black hoodlum. The folks I live with are nice, decent, either working or retired people. (One works with my sister in Mary Kay). I can see that people would easily blame 'them' if something happened.

      But, crime knows no racial divide in my neighborhood. White, black, 'other', they're almost all stupid fucking teenagers. We live a mile from the mall, can't you kids get off your dead ass and go over there? Hell, every time I go there, it seems like 90% of your classmates are there anyway. Obligatory 'old man' rant: back in my day, we didn't have your fancy 'malls'. We had the construction lot for the mall. And it was 30 miles away. Luckily, we had real trucks back then, and didn't have a problem doing donuts in a construction site at 1:30 in the morning:) We didn't have your fancy Nintendo X-Box. We had Atari 2600's and WE LIKED IT. (Ok, actually we had the original NES:) We didn't have your fancy shmancy '3rd Edition Open Content License D&D', we had to carry 750 lbs of 1st Edition Rulebooks to the party. Then go back home and get 500 lbs of 2nd Edition Rulebooks because the DM was a twat. And WE LIKED IT. We didn't have your fancy Internet. If you had a computer and used it, you got beaten up every day and given a wedgie. And the girls wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. AND WE... Well, actually, we didn't like that part very much.

      • Last week was my 24th birthday. I feel like an old man already.

        I have a question... what DM wasn't a twat? Isn't that the point of being a DM? :)

        In the circle I hung out with, ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, one of our characters would be sent to prison where (s)he would get ass raped. Yeah, real nice DM.

        Of course, I never went out and caused trouble.. I just rung up a huge bill on the Compuserve account. I remember my 2400bps modem getting hit by lightning, and couldn't afford the 14400bps modem, so I settled on another 2400. I remember getting kicked off BBS's because I wasn't 'lite enough. (Because to be 'lite, you had to have a rich daddy who'd buy you the latest and greated 14.4k modem.)

        I remember being in awe of ANSI art. I also remember waiting 2 minutes for it to scroll through on my 2400bps modem.

        I remember running my own BBS, and running Waffle for UUCP email and netnews access. I also remember my first Unix box. It was a Sperry 5000/50, running AT&T System V r2.

Nearly every complex solution to a programming problem that I have looked at carefully has turned out to be wrong. -- Brent Welch
