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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: I got 'em. 2

Well, here is where my (hopefully) short *squee* fest will begin. Last night I finally was able to find a pair of the boots I have coveted for so long. Knee-high, black leather, lace-up, no heel. And discounted because I endeared myself to the salesfellow. They are from the Hottopic, but unfortunately I can't find them on the website because they must be sold out from their online store.

The only somewhat annoying thing about them is that the laces keep shifting around so that they are too loose around the ankle and too tight up at the top. That and the laces are about 3 feet too long. But I'll figure something out. I feel kind of silly for spending that much on something I consider a luxury item, but I really ought to be doing better things for myself to make myself happy, even if it is spending what I consider to be too much on a pair of shoes.

Insert wedding rant that I don't feel like writing, here. According to our webpage counter, we're down to 99 days now. If I say anymore, which I'm trying to refrain, it will turn into exactly the rant I don't feel like writing.

Trying to get back to doing some art. Taking more art intentioned photography, rather than just random snapshots of daily life. Doing a little traditional art. Attempting to learn some digital. Hopefully I will get back into the groove and be able to link some of the things I am working on.

I've reached an interesting point. Some sort of equilibrium between the guilt and desire of how I should be spending my time. I should probably crack out that GRE studybook my parents gave me for Christmas (yes, they are exactly that lame) so that I can try to pass the tests so that I would at least have a score to submit on gradschool applications. But the thought of more schooling makes me want to cry at this point. So I am training myself to be patient and content with what I already have, and hoping for the best.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

I got 'em.

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  • Hmm... I could do with a new pair... something dressy... if only I could find space in our shoebox... too bad I don't live in a bootbox... hmm...

    I guess I'll check out the shops this weekend, if I'm up to it...

"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats." -- Howard Aiken
