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Journal eno2001's Journal: BEING OFFENSIVE: Pimped Rides of the Gods

In the old testament and some of the Koran there are passages about a giant golden wheel in the sky. Some sects of various religions/cults interpret this to be a UFO. It was supposedly built by aliens and humans using billions of dollars worth of gold from Earth.

So... let's assume for a moment that the wheel, built by aliens, was made on Earth.

And let's also assume that these aliens were our "gods" of ancient days...

And now, let's take a trip back to that time and go overhear one of the alien conversations about the wheel...

U'lah: "...Hahaha! Yes! I told them that in order for them to honor their god, they needed to bring me all their gold as a sacrifice".
U'lah: "I said that it would please me and that I would be able to finally bring rain to their district as they have implored these past few months".
Y'wheh: "You didn't"!
M'hmad: "I most certainly did. After all with all this gold, I'll finally be able to outfit my ship with those racing strips I've been wanting so long! Q'rjah is going to be SOOOOO jealous"!
M'hmad: "Then I told the Earth people that in return for their homage to me, I would make it rain. So, all I have to do now is dump the ship's liquid waste over their fields! BWAHAHAHAHAH"!!!
Y'weh: "BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! Good one"!
Y'whe: "Well get a load of this... I told my followers that I could turn water into wine".
U'lah: "What? Go on..."
Y'whe: "Yeah, yeah... I did. So I had a hose going back to a tank of Ultragrape Alien-ade hidden under a visual cloak. The hose was also fitted up my sleeve".
Y'weh: "I then told someone to get me a goblet of water"
Y'whe: "When they returned I also had a packet of Andromedan grape Alien-ade that I dumped into the water in the goblet. Thank goodness for self-mixing drinks".
Y'whe: "The rest of the tank was filled with a prepared mixture, so I just pumped that into the goblet between people taking drinks"!
U'lah: "Genius! Pure genius"!
Y'whe: "Not only that, but I made sure it was infused with a bit of mild hallucinogen to make sure that the experience would feel a bit more supernatural to the Earth people".
J'ain: "Hey guys. I hate to ruin the love fest here... but I think the galactic police have figured out our whereabouts. It'll be time to split soon unless you want to be lovemate to a three sexed Albraxxian ape named B'uhbuh".

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BEING OFFENSIVE: Pimped Rides of the Gods

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