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Journal FortKnox's Journal: [Gym] I spoke too freakin soon! 3

Yesterday I went in and told the PT that initially put me on a workout that I want to ramp it up. He asked if I want to get 'big'.
Ok then...

And then... he proceeded to fully kick my scrawny little ass. Spent an hour just on biceps, chest, and abs (lots of 'hammer strength' machines, which are machines with freeweights on it that NFL/pro athletes use, then lots of freewieghts. The only 'simple machines' we used was for me to work on my biceps one at a time). I was in agony. He set goals on what I was to do. Then he told me to lay off all the cardio. I do 30 minute cardio on Sun, Tues, Weds when I'm lifting, and 60 on MWF when I'm not. I'm supposed to do 60 minutes a week, and that's it. Plus the way he's working me out, I may not be ready to go at a muscle group after 45, so I'm supposed to work out a muscle group until I fail (then I know I've worked it to the max), and pick another muscle group the next day.
Monday we work on quads, hammys, calves, and tris. The triceps should be the only ones that give me a ton of trouble, as I used to run track in high school, and still have pretty large legs...
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[Gym] I spoke too freakin soon!

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  • Spent an hour just on biceps, chest, and abs

    Uh? It sounds odd you would spend so much time on just that (well, unless the trainer was teaching you how to do different exercises), especially when biceps are a minor muscle group. And most people spend more time on abs than they need to...

    What kind of split does he actually have you on? (You haven't mentioned back and that's one of the most important ones.)

    For cardio, do interval training, either HIIT [] or Tabatas []. More "bang for your buck" so to speak. Good st
  • Is this why you're called Fort Knox? :)

Reality must take precedence over public relations, for Mother Nature cannot be fooled. -- R.P. Feynman
