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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: Cops with frickin' cameras on their frickin' heads, part two 3

A while back I wrote in my journal about the idea of sending police officers out with cameras bolted to their heads. Well, apparently someone in the UK has been reading my journal. I was over pursuing Fark today and saw this. Apparently, some areas of the UK are actually putting cameras on the heads of their police officers. While the picture makes me think that the data is stored locally, i.e. on the officer, it's a start.
Of course, I expect that this will be used more as a way to prosecute people than a way to deter abuse, but it may just be the start we need. My primary concern at this point is how is the data handled? If it is incumbent on either the officer or a citizen complaint for it to be reviewed, then it's not likely to be very useful; if they actually review all of it, or at least randomly review some of it, this could help make things better. Also, does the officer have control over when it records? Ideally, it should be always on, with any gaps investigated with the assumption that a crime occured during such a gap. I doubt that this will be the case.
I do realize there are concerns about privacy; however, considering that anything the camera sees is going to be seen by the officer anyway, this hardly seems like an invasion.
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Cops with frickin' cameras on their frickin' heads, part two

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  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    If we can get this on the heads of our elected officials, that would be awesome.
    • What, and deny the media the unparalleled joy of bringing us countless hours of "special reports" on "special investigations"? Not to mention breaking scandals, unconfirmed rumors and misquotes. What are the DC correspondents going to report on then?
      Seriously, it would be a great idea, but it's even less likely to fly than the idea of cop-cams.
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        Hell even gps tracking devices would be a good start; see which ones actually show up to vote/are available in their offices and which ones spend 90% of their time gofling.

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