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Journal eno2001's Journal: TROLL THE SCAMMERS: PCBuzz to Turn y our PC into a SUPER TV

I don't know about you, but I've been seeing TONS of ads for software that purportedly turn your PC into a "Super TV" with 1000s of channels from around the world and only a one time payment. The one time payment is the part of this that is a HUGE tip-off that it's a scam. When it comes to any type of media service, the goal these days is recurring fees. You won't see ANYONE offering a real quality service for a onetime flat fee in the media business. That's why I suspect that CDs and DVDs will completely die once the bandwidth is at your doorstep for instant content delivery (with heavy DRM).

But getting back to the scammers... Check out this CNET forum discussion about TVolution (now called PCBuzz). Just for the hell of it, I think I'm going to ask them for a refund. (I haven't bought the product) and see what kind of run around they give me. This ought to be worth some laffs.

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TROLL THE SCAMMERS: PCBuzz to Turn y our PC into a SUPER TV

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The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
