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Journal benhocking's Journal: I now have two "freaks" 3

I've picked up a second "freak". What I find amusing is that I'm fairly certain that the first person made me their foe because my position was too conservative for him/her (I'm anti-drug use), and the second persion made me their for because my position was too liberal for him/her (I'm pro-environment). No biggie, I just found it interesting.

Also, my statements on global warming seem to have attracted one or more foul-mouthed ACs. Typically, I try to avoid responding to ACs because (a) they rarely have anything of value to say, and (b) I have no idea if the person I'm responding to is the same one from whom I get a response, etc. I think I've managed to stand by that philosophy today, but I was tempted once or twice to defend my "honor". In the end, I decided they're just not worth it.

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I now have two "freaks"

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  • They're probably just angry at you for being smart and having well-thought out ideas. At least that's the impression I've gotten from reading your stuff. I never thought I'd admit that someone in Charlottesville was clever, but dammit, sometimes there's no denying it.

  • by Chacham ( 981 )
    Having freaks is a good thing. :)

The best things in life go on sale sooner or later.
