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Journal Com2Kid's Journal: How not to teach Newton's Method 4

Now pay attention, this is called Newton's method, it is very important, we will be using it throughout the rest of the quarter.

m = f`(x_i)

See how that efficiently solves the problem?

No, I do NOT. You just wrote the definition of a derivative on the board and added a subscript i to the x.

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How not to teach Newton's Method

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  • Scene: 300 Level Organic Chemistry class with 6 people in it. Professor is an obese woman in her 50s with a Doctorate and terrible B.O. She has an anger problem that most likely comes from many years of not getting laid. She also had a habit of falling asleep and snoring loudly while administering tests.

    Prof: Ok, this reaction is different because this chemical actually attaches backwards from what we've been seeing with Markronikroff* Reactions, so make sure you remember this, it's important.
    TL: Umm.

    • by Com2Kid ( 142006 )
      Unfortunately that is Chemistry's general tenet.

      "Just memorize it!"

      I have a friend who is a chem major, and that is what he dislikes most about the field.

      • Well I generally took it upon myself to figure out the WHY behind the WHAT. I think that's why she didn't like me.
        • by rk ( 6314 ) *

          That's why you take physics, see.

          Oh, I'm gonna get it from the chemists in the house now, aren't I? :-)

GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY (#7): April 2, 1751 Issac Newton becomes discouraged when he falls up a flight of stairs.
