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Journal Com2Kid's Journal: Here is hoping I get it! 1

Alright, so the interview went... well I was not at the top of my game. Who ever is during an interview though? Stress makes thinking go slower....

I also am a bit slow on the white board. I can explain things quickly, but actually writing them down while explaining them is more than half as slow.

I am tired now, all in all a very busy day.

Everybody I met was really nice of course. Some cool questions, and some questions that I already knew the answers too! Studying does pay off. :) I was asked the Monty Hall problem, and to my immense embarrassment, could not argue both sides of it. :`( I guess it has been too many months since I last went over it.

When I am more awake, I will do a full write up.

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Here is hoping I get it!

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  • If they think they were being clever with the "Monty Hall" problem, they're not half as smart as they think they are ...

    Anyone ever asked me that, I'd say "Sorry, I don't channel Faith Popcorn."

    I mean, really, they're still stuck in the '80s.

    And everyone who over-analyses the problem and says "switch" neglects that Ole Monty didn't open a door at random, but one that he knew would contain a goat. This post hoc action puts the odds back to 50/50, for either door - not 2/3 for switching, 1/3 for standi

I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
