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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: WiiHunt: The Kill

The search is over, I finally found my Wii. Actually, to be completely honest, a friend found it for me.
Apparently, my friend stopped into one Toys R Us and asked about Wii's. They had just run out, so he figured that, if this store had recently received some, other Toys R Us's may have as well. So, he drove over to a different one and found several in stock. He purchased one for himself and one for my wife and me. Last night, I picked it up from him (and paid him back, obviously). After that my wife and I went to GameStop to pick up our copies of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, since we had pre-ordered them. While there we bought a nunchuck for a second controller, figuring that we may as well get one while we could. We then headed over to the Toys R Us to see of they had any of the Wii-mote condoms in colors we liked. To our amazement, Toys R Us actually had a bunch of Wii accessories. We turned a corner into one of the aisles and my hand shot out and grabbed a Wii-mote off the rack, my wife's hand did pretty much the same thing to one of the classic controllers. Both of which have been nearly as hard to find as the actual system itself. we also managed to get Zelda and Red Steel for the system. And, as the icing on the geeky cake, we bought the Zelda themed system stand/organizer. The two condoms which came with it were black/grey and green/light-green respectively, the exact colors we wanted. It also came with a green game/CD carrier with a Triforce on the front, and the Wii-mote condoms have Zelda logos embossed in them as well! Why yes, I am an easily pleased geek.
Last night we played with our Wii till 11:30, maybe tonight I'll install Burning Crusade, or maybe I'll just play more Zelda.
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WiiHunt: The Kill

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