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Journal ellem's Journal: [WGAS] Scientists to Move Doomsday Clock 8

Except for a really good Iron Maiden song about the clock and the really great image on the back of each Watchmen comic Who Gives A Shit about the Doomsday Clock? These chicken littles have been wrong for over 50 years.

Read if you Give A Shit here.

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[WGAS] Scientists to Move Doomsday Clock

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  • You mean to tell me I by a nice comfy lawn chair, a cooler to put beer and sandwiches in, and I MISSED the global catastrophes already?

    It's obvious those fuckers never saw Full House [imdb.com], or they would've set that clock to about 12:17.

  • Now this is too much (Score:1, Interesting)

    by GMontag ( 42283 )
    From the article:

    "The major new step reflects growing concerns about a 'Second Nuclear Age' marked by grave threats, including: nuclear ambitions in Iran and North Korea, unsecured nuclear materials in Russia and elsewhere, the continuing 'launch-ready' status of 2,000 of the 25,000 nuclear weapons held by the U.S. and Russia, escalating terrorism, and new pressure from climate change for expanded civilian nuclear power that could increase proliferation risks," the release reads.

    Give me a freaking break! B

    • Except that it is somewhat true. Whether or not global warming is man-made, natural, or even good or bad, the push from people like Gore is to stop burning fossil fuels for power and a lot of people agree.

      The easiest replacement energy is fission power - everyone knows how to do it. Of course, I don't think the danger of more nuclear plants is increasing proliferation of nuclear weapons. I'm more worried about sloppy reactor design and low-budget plant operators. I don't particularly want to see a few m
      • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

        Except that it is somewhat true. Whether or not global warming is man-made, natural, or even good or bad, the push from people like Gore is to stop burning fossil fuels for power and a lot of people agree.
        But there's no significant evidence that global warming will have an overall negative effect, let alone cause the end of civilization.
        • But there's no significant evidence that global warming will have an overall negative effect, let alone cause the end of civilization.

          Right. But that doesn't stop Gore and his followers from believing that it will. That's where the pressure to use energy that isn't among those they say will cause the earth to melt, and that includes nuclear power. I'm not saying that it is sensible, I'm just saying that some people think this way.
  • That clock of theirs would have more credibility if it's face had markings other than just for the quarter of the hour then five minute intervals to the hour. They obviously have no intention of EVER letting it read, say, half-past, and that is telling.

A list is only as strong as its weakest link. -- Don Knuth
