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Journal Iamthefallen's Journal: Loot! 3

My most valued Christmas presents were from the Wife and her sister.

From the sister in-law I got the Monty Python 16 Ton Megaset, and LOTR.

From the wife I got a whole body shower thing to go in the renovated bathroom, I've been wanting one of these for years. Being 6'3" most of the time I only get wet on parts at a time when taking a shower as the shower head needs to be directed damn near horizontally. I also got a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream with glasses, a beer stein, and Margarita glasses. Notice a trend? Clearly she wants to get me drunk and wet so she can take advantage of me.

Today I got a $25 Amazon gift certificate in the mail as a thanks for spending so much on my credit card over the past few months. So I went to my Wishlist and threw The Silmarillion in the cart. I looked for something cheap to reach $25 and qualify for free shipping, but couldn't think of anything.

Then I found it, Baja Bob's Margarita Mix, 3 bottles of 32oz each, with free shipping. Woot! When mixed that's a gallon of sweet sweet alcohol.

So much drinking while reading or watching DVDs is planned, and I think that with some saran wrap and a straw I might event be able to enjoy it in the new shower.

Stuff makes for happy fun times.

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  • You're my new hero.
    • I prefer to take something a little more simple when I drink in the shower, such as a can of Budweiser or a bottle of Busch Light or Michelob Golden Draft Light. This particular oddity was discovered as a side effect of habits acquired while in college. What else happens when you wake up late on a saturday and realize in the evening that you haven't showered yet but want to have another before you head out?
      • When I was in college my roommate was in the shower and I was in my room getting dressed. I heard *thud* followed by him yelling FUCK! loudly. I yelled, "You ok?" He replied, "Yeah, I just dropped my damn beer." I quickly grabbed my snorkel and mask and left them outside the bathroom door with a note that said "BEER RESCUE KIT". He cracked up.

Business is a good game -- lots of competition and minimum of rules. You keep score with money. -- Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari
