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Journal TechnoLust's Journal: "For this product, a dozen = 12" 6

I walked over to Beverly's cube because she's cute, friendly, and she has some really nice chocolates on her desk that she offers me every time I come over. :-) So I walked to her desk and saw her typing "For this product, a dozen = 12" on the line note of a Requisition. I asked, "Isn't a dozen usually 12?" She said, "Yes, but apparently the hotel manager that ordered these shower liners doesn't know that, or doesn't know that 127 is NOT evenly divisible by 12." I said, "And I doubt the vendor would appreciate a PO with a quantity of 10.6 on it." Later we decided to change it to "This product is sold in cases of 12." in case the person frequents the front page of slashdot and never RTFA. :-)
This discussion was created by TechnoLust (528463) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

"For this product, a dozen = 12"

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