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Journal salimma's Journal: Google Glossary out! 2

Did not notice it until I went to Mycroft to browse for new Moz/Phoenix search plugins, but Google has recently added a new experimental site: Google Glossary.

Seems to be rather good at covering various possible meanings for a search term - for example, the first search result for 'java' is actually Java the coffee bean (Java Arabica), and 'local group' returns both Windows and astronomical definitions.

Way to go Google :)

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Google Glossary out!

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  • It was mentioned here [slashdot.org] some months ago.

    They aren't perfect, though. For definitions, I use these:
    Babylon [babylon.com] (using their "try Babylon now!" box. Very good)
    Everything2 [everything2.com] (good for slang and troll expressions: HTH, YHBT, HAND etc).
    Miriam Webster [m-w.com] (for formal explanations).
    • Wow, thanks Nave. I have a bit more understanding now for Slashdot editors getting slagged for posting duplicates :)

      Google Sets sounds really interesting... hmm, entering 'Suharto' and 'Abdurrahman', two chronically advanced ex-president of my semi-native Indonesia, results in Ronald Reagan, the Queen Mother and King Sihanouk, among others. And Augusto Pinochet. This thing is .. prescient :p

What sin has not been committed in the name of efficiency?
