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This discussion was created by cyranoVR (518628) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

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  • I don't do Java at all.. but I'm a little surprised.

    I don't track my own memory management, but I have to do my own concurrency access and thread management? Can you even do that well without being able to keep low-level records on which thread is modifying which memory?
  • I just use their static methods "parse()" and "format()"....
    • The defective code was written by one of my colleagues over two-years ago. I was tasked with resolving said defect.

      Because our product is a highly-concurrent (hundreds of threads, thousands of transactions per second) messaging engine, I have learned to always think about threading anytime I'm writing a block of code that isn't strictly local scope.

      Here's the code I had to fix (verbatim):

      public class FormatUtils {

      private static final dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");

Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
