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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: Yay, winter break. 1

Working at a private university has it's trade-offs. I don't get most of the national holidays throughout the year. I don't get Labor Day off, I don't get President's Day off; however, I do get the entire week between Christmas and New Years off, with pay (actually I'm salary so it doesn't make a damn bit of difference for me, but the hourly folk get paid). With the campus closing down tomorrow at noon, and the commute I have, I have setup that I won't even be in tomorrow (2 hours of driving for 4 hours of work, not exactly worth it). So, I get to spend today making sure everything is done which needs to be done before the break, and thinking about how I'm going to spend my week. (and posting to slashdot in between. Hey, it's a slow say what do you expect?)
With any luck, said week will be spent playing with my Wii, I just have to figure out how to get a hold of it. So far, all of the stores have been emptied before I have managed to get up in the morning; but, I think I should be able to get it with this week's shipment.
On a related side note, the name for the Wii still feels wrong.
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Yay, winter break.

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