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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: Can someone explain to me? 1

Can someone explain to me why the Left Behind series managed to spawn not only a lengthy series of books, but also a made for TV movie (or series, I forget which), and now even has a video game? I made it through about half of the first book before the paper thin plot, 0-dimensional characters, and overall bad writing finally got to me and I had to give up. Does the series get better, or is this just fueled by a bunch of Christians looking for something to validate their faith in our modern world?
It's not that I have anything against Christian writing, though I do tend to stop reading stuff when it's obvious that the attempt to preach is getting in the way of the story. But of all of the good Christian writing out there, this one is getting attention. At the very least The Chronicles of Narnia tend to be good books, and thank goodness that they are now getting most of the press. While The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is a bit thin in places it is still far and away a better book than Left Behind. And Narnia tended to get better as it went along. Heck, even C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy was better than Left Behind and that one got pretty preachy towards the end.
Even doing The Divine Comedy would make more sense to me. So, what is it about Left Behind that has Christians going nuts? Is it really a good book and I just wasn't into it enough?
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Can someone explain to me?

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  • Poor fiction draped on a skeleton of the Book of Revelation. I read chunks of them while standing in the bookstore, out of curiosity. The writing is poor, and the theology even worse.

    (Spoiler) The bad guys get what is coming to them in the end. :-)

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