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Journal Billosaur's Journal: Lawlessness Strikes Home

Mondays are invariably bad -- this is a given. However yesterday has to rank right up there with the worst Mondays I've ever had.

To start, my 20-month old daughter is sick and was up till the wee hours, so sleep was at a premium. I overslept (never a good thing when you have a 2 hour commute) and was in a rush to get going. I told my wife I was taking our youngest son (stepson really, but I don't make that distinction) to the bus stop. When I went to get in my car, there was a big stick in my driver's seat. I didn't give it much thought; we have two boys and boys collect things like sticks and stuff. I suspected it was just somebody hiding someone's "lucky" stick in my car.

After dropping my youngest son off, I returned home to get my things. When I got out of the car, I glanced down at my hood and then got the shock of my life. Someone had scrawled the words "THIS IS YOUR SONS FAULT" on the hood and I recognized the coloring of the letters as belonging to the stick. I noted that for the most part the words were simply drawn on the hood, but there were some other scratches that looked like actual damage.

Well, needless to say, I was livid. I've been trying to sell the car, as I need to cut down on my payments and generate some cash. This was not going to help. I ended up emailing work to tell them I would be late, then waiting around for the police to file a report.

Now, our older son is a bit of a hothead, has an air of superiority about him, and a temper (all inherited from his birth father, and that's a tale I need to write a book about!). He gets in trouble, not a lot, but sometimes his behavior has been inappropriate. He gets picked on, especially on the bus, and we've had issues concerning that that had be chatting with the asst. principal. Our other boy is a as sweet as pie -- the brothers are like night and day.

Bottom line: someone who knows where our oldest son lives and doesn't realize I'm not his birth father left us a little present. To say I'm pissed is an understatement. To say I'm further pissed because I don't know who did it, when they did it, or why, is an even bigger understatement. I want to find the miscreant and/or miscreants and mete out punishment. I want to be able to dress down their parents and tell them what a lousy job they are doing. I want justice.

Sigh. Can't wait for 2007. Things have to get better.

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Lawlessness Strikes Home

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