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Journal robi2106's Journal: Wii Have A Problem

So I found this on.... I have no idea where I ran across this site..... but in any case the title tells you a lot about the site. Oh right, Penny-arcade. Go check out their comic. Gotta be in the top online comics (at least of the comics that cater to gamers, profanity, and kitchen appliances with NC-17 habits).

Wii Have A Problem is a "blog focused on bringing you the latest trend in gaming violence. That of damaged electronic loved ones caused from Wii related activities. Why? Because we're fan boys that's why."

That should sum up a lot of their content right there. 40" plasma TVs destroyed by vigorous games of Wii Sports. Laptops that got in the way of the true Wii experience.

And then there is this post which includes a YouTube video that is just......funny? Or is it Sad? Here is the short of it. Complete gamer geek stays up for days hopped up on sugar and some OTC drugs. Gamer waits in line for the Wii with some friends. Some media / Video Blogger comes by and asks the usual "so you're waiting in line for the [fill in blank] system" questions. But this guy is so ..... I don't know.... Geeky? Not quite right. The term Geeky just pales in comparison to the aura this guy broadcasts.

Go ahead and laugh if this was you a few years ago. Wii understand. Wii are hear for you.


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Wii Have A Problem

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