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Journal Ender Ryan's Journal: fuck you

Fuck Slashdot. And fuck the the goddamn Wii. Fuck Microsoft. Fuck Sony too. But most of all... fuck YOU!

Slashdot used to be a good place for dispelling FUD. Now it is one of the primary carriers.

Fuck Slashdot. Fuck these stupidass /. journals. Fuck "Tags." Fuck moderation. Fuck karma. And most of all... fuck YOU!

Fuck Cmdrtaco. For being totally out of it. Every time he chimes in, it's goddamn obvious he's not paying attention anymore. Fuck Hemos. Mr. DUPlicator. Fuck Zonk, goddamn he's the worst. editor. ever. "Bias is what game journalism is all about, right?" Fuck that new guy. I could do a better job, and that's pathetic. Yeah, so what? Fuck me too. But most of all.. fuck YOU!

Disclaimer: "These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too." -- Dave Haynie
