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Journal drunkrussian's Journal: Senator Paul Wellstone, 1944-2002

As most of you probably know, Senator Wellstone, his wife, his daughter, three of his staffers, and two pilots were killed hours ago when their small aircraft crashed in northern Minnesota.

Senator Wellstone was a role model for me. The senator believed in what he stood for, and no matter what, took action to solve the problems. He was kind of quirky, like me. I try to make everyone's day a little better, like I'm told Senator Wellstone was.

We have lost a great American today. True, he was not without his faults. He was in the middle of a race for a third term, despite promising that he would not serve more than two terms. Well, I guess he kept his promise.

Always the champion of the little man, Senator Wellstone was a professor of political science for years and years before running for the Senate in 1990. He managed to win that race, which was an amazing upset, considering that he had little money or recognition when he started. Since then he has done so much for the United States. We could use many more politicians like Senator Wellstone.

I don't understand why someone who is doing so much good for the world would be struck down, too early.

I never met the senator from Minnesota. Now I guess I never will.


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Senator Paul Wellstone, 1944-2002

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