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Journal peacefinder's Journal: A sad commentary 1

"We came to Washington to change government and government changed us," lamented Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., his eye on the next election in 2008. "We departed rather tragically from our conservative principles."

It is a sad day. They had a historic opportunity to work for positive change (as they saw it) and they squandered it.

The Democrats would be wise to take this as a cautionary lesson. I hope they are sincere in their statements that they want to foster a more civil relationship between the parties.

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A sad commentary

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  • The Democrats would be wise to take this as a cautionary lesson. I hope they are sincere in their statements that they want to foster a more civil relationship between the parties.

    As much as I am relieved to finally have a change in the power base of Congress, I sincerely doubt that the Dems will be any better.

    But I'll keep hoping along with you. At least there won't be any more carte blanche passing of 100% "insert party here" agendas since (at least for 2 more years) the legislative and executive will

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