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Journal SolemnDragon's Journal: Vroom! 6

I'm learning to drive a standard shift automobile again.

How well? You'll have to ask blinder. I was focusing on driving. But i haven't lost it completely.

I love the car. I really do. I love the way it moves and the way it steers and the way she bitches to get out of first gear ALREADY THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

She's a lovely car.

Today we drove - BLINDER DROVE, as i wasn't quite ready for the highway- it to Rhoe Island to see my sonja mum. I rarely see her. She gave me a silver bracelet, that she'd meant for my birthday. We talked a lot, how things are going and what we're up to. We talked a lot about therapy- as one of the only people who knew me during my adolescence, it's nice to have her to talk to.

So we talked about all that, and we talked about gardening, and about the apartment and the park and the car. It was a nice visit. She gave us the recipe for the salad she made, which was awesome and i will post it tomorrow, and gave us a lot of johnnycake cornmeal. We'll get to that tomorrow too.

I just wanted to say i drove the car and had a great time.

This discussion was created by SolemnDragon (593956) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


Comments Filter:
  • I'm happy for you. And for blinder, too. Congratulations on the car, and for you driving, and for lots of other things. I don't know that I've started to miss driving yet. It's nice to walk around, but a car comes in handy every once in a while.

    Have fun, and be safe!
  • you two post pictures of the car yet (and I missed it)?
  • I do prefer a standard shift car myself. One of the reasons I bought my Yaris. It's good on gas & *I* get to do the shifting :)
    • Cheaper to buy, cheaper on gas, more fun to drive ... zoom zoom!
      • Yes, I HATE HATE HATE manual transmissions, even in ATL traffic. Except when I'm pulling the boat... truck has a manual, and that's nice, because I'm not driving like I normally do anyway. :-)
  • driving is liberating. Shifting gears will come back to you in no time.

"If you want to know what happens to you when you die, go look at some dead stuff." -- Dave Enyeart
