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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Changing Mod Points 1

For as long as I can remember (a few years now), I've been getting mod points once or twice a month. Now, with the new slashdot mod point changes, here's the deal with my mod points:
  • When I don't metamoderate, I get mod points about once every 10-12 days.
  • If I metamoderate about three or four times within a five day period, at the end of those five days, I get mod points.

Does this seem a little weird to anyone else? Not that I mind the mod points, but that something so annoying as metamoderating can cut the time it takes for you to get mod points in half? Frankly, I've never metamoderated since I was a newbie. CmdrTaco recently said in a journal entry that metamoding led one to receive mod points more quickly. So I tried it, and lo and behold, mod points in half the time.

Now, I guess this is good for someone who rarely gets mod points, but should people really be able to get mod points every five days? Maybe there's a reason for me: I only mod up, I've only been modded up, all metamoderation done on my mods have been fair (that I know of), and my karma's been at 50 (oh yeah, excellent) for years. But then, my record couldn't be that clean, could it? I must be forgetting something.

On the other hand, if there are so many mod points being handed out now anyway, does it really matter if some schmuck with a low user id (sine when have I had a low user id?) gets mod points every few days? Part of me says of course not, and the other part screams bloodly murder. With so many mod points out there right now, one person getting mod points so frequently is useless, isn't it? Shouldn't mod points be distributed evenly among the users? Isn't it unfair for someone with a clean record to be boosted to frequent moderator status when we all know most trolls have two accounts for that exact same reason?

Maybe I'm just tired, but this certainly seems weird. Maybe what I'm suggesting is that there should be a cap like with karma: no more than X mod points over Y days.

Any thoughts? Am I thinking like a freak this morning? Being stupid? Or actually making sense?

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Changing Mod Points

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