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Journal EvilAlien's Journal: Don't taunt the Mac Zealots, they get stabby 1

I've learned something... moderation of comments that dare poke fun of Mac Zealots if risky business.

The problem with a few /.ers that get mod points is the lack of objectivity. Poke fun at their pet little cause, and you get modded down even if what you say has value. Recognize that and mod them up, and they will get you with metamoderation.

Heheh... fuck you guys for not being able to take a joke, when something is funny I mod it up as Funny. Li'l cry babies need to suck it up.

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Don't taunt the Mac Zealots, they get stabby

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  • well, I'm, not a mac zealot, and somehow recently I've managed to get mod points, so if you see any abuses, let me know and I will slap them in the balls and mod the comments back up.

    not like I use the damn things.

Factorials were someone's attempt to make math LOOK exciting.
