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Journal eno2001's Journal: ON LOCATION: The Shoreway (Old 2) in Cleveland (UPDATED)

This sort of thing is what I love for. To see people giving a hard time to other people (or organizations) who deserve it. Anyway... If you can believe it, the defaced billboard is STILL defaced. ;P Hehehehe. Alltel deserves it. They screwed a ton of people over with their "circle" plan. I know someone who signed up and wound up getting socked with a $400+ phone bill for talking to a friend who was in his circle, but they claim the circle wasn't effective yet. Fortunately, a little call to the state attorney general revealed that he wasn't alone. The company promptly credited his account. Still... people want blood and they should get it.
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ON LOCATION: The Shoreway (Old 2) in Cleveland (UPDATED)

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interlard - vt., to intersperse; diversify -- Webster's New World Dictionary Of The American Language
