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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: Power of the Internet

Some days the ability of the internet to bring people together, or back together, amazes me.
Today was a fairly typical work day. Backups are ticking along, Dell is being slow to respond as normal, get a couple of quotes in and get the PO process rolling, answer the odd question here and there, all in all a light day. I go into the server room to talk with the building engineers, answer a few questions about our A/C deficiencies. When this building was built 2 years ago the sever room's A/C unit got changed on the drawing and no one noticed; end result is that we disipate about half the heat we generate. Fortunatly, we have a locked work room in front of the server room, so I can keep that door open and use fans to keep my servers from baking themselves. Unfortunatly, the process to get this fixed has managed to be more dragged out and difficult than it should have been.
Anyhow, after sorting that out and answering a few questions for my tech, I head back to my desk and pop open Outlook (Yes, I'm mildy email addicted). In my box there is a new message with a familiar name and an odd subject line. The funny thing is, if the name is correct, then the email must be from a friend which I haven't seen in nearly a decade and had prety much given up hope of ever seeing again. Open the email and sure enough, it's that friend sending out one of those, "I'm not sure if this is the right person but..." emails. Well, it turns out that he hit the nail on the head.
Obviously, I sent out a response asking all kinds of questions: how are you? where have you been? etc. One question I couldn't aviod asking was: how in the world did you find me? As I wrote it, I have a feeling that I know. So, I go to Google and type in my name. Sure enough, my resume comes up first hit. It's the policy of the Institute I work at to post employees' resumes, sans address and any worrying information. Given that the email came to my work account, I am fairly certain that this is how it happened.
I guess I shouldn't be too suprised, but I just can't help thinking that it's truly amazing how the internet can help people reconnect. I was almost certain that I would never hear from this guy again, but there he is, emailing me.
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Power of the Internet

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