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Journal MsWillow's Journal: Life is getting ... interesting.

Hi Journal, 's me again ... or is it? All y'all know that I'm combatting multiple sclerosis with a combination of antibiotics. Each "pulse" kills off more of the bacteria. These critters are keeping the infected cells alive far past their normal lifespan, so once the bugs die off, the infected cells soon follow.

While the infection has spread throughout my body, in my brain it has led to lesions - scar tissue - that's what MS is. Each pulse kills off more of these critters, and more host cells too.

My brain is dying off. Oh, it's being rebuilt as fast as the supply of stem cells will allow, but my concern is, as this process continues, am I still me? How could I tell?

Scary, isn't it?

Welcome to my world.

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Life is getting ... interesting.

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