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Journal grub's Journal: Linux, JTAG, BDM: recommendations, please. 3

Here's the poop:

I used Linux a lot "back in the day" when Slackware came on a stack of 3.5" floppies for my 486. I moved on to FreeBSD and (my personal favourite) OpenBSD.

I'm setting up a machine for my workbench to work with JTAG and BDM interfaces and a lot of the info out there seems Linux-specific.

I'm not looking to be converted from OpenBSD, that isn't going to happen, I just want a decent distro of Linux to hack about on for this application and I don't want to do porting or debugging. If I screw up a piece of hardware through JTAG or BDM it can be rendered pretty useless, hence my desire to stay close to home.

Recommendations anyone?
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Linux, JTAG, BDM: recommendations, please.

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  • I work at a company with a buncha bonehead EE types :-D We have used Fedora until recently, when it was decided to convert to Kubuntu. My advice would be to figure out which tools you want to use, and then find out from them which (if any) distros they support. We have had good luck with Fedora (though newer versions tend to have library compatibility issues, which in most cases can be overcome; same goes for (k)ubuntu). I dunno about the tools you are interested in, but the biggest problem we have had is s
  • I'd try Gentoo. It's the closest Linux there is to BSD as the portage system that it uses is based off of BSD ports.
    • by webhat ( 558203 )
      Agreed, I've used it for over 1 1/2 years now and use it for everything from my embedded boxes to production servers, and sometimes even on my new desktops. (I usually don't build desktop servers.)

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