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Journal Ethelred Unraed's Journal: The Confessor smacks down Daddy 3

Ethelred and the Confessor are looking at the morning paper over breakfast. The Confessor spies an ad for a men's outfitter. He commences to pointing at pictures and identifying them.

CONFESSOR [pointing to a man in a suit and tie]

Yup, that's right. That's a man.

CONFESSOR [pointing to another man in a suit and tie]
That's a man, too!

Mmm-hmm, that's a man, too. He's wearing a suit.

CONFESSOR [pointing to a third man in a suit and tie]
And that's a man, too!

Right. And Daddy's a man.

No. Daddy's not wearing a suit.


I like to call the Confessor a "goofball", because he is, well, a goofball. Jokes around a lot, giggles and that sort of thing. The Confessor even likes it when I call him that, so he often refers to himself as a goofball, and interestingly he says Daddy is also a goofball, but not BoE or Gloriana (I suspect machinations of BoE in this).

Ethelred and the Confessor are sitting in the kitchen together. Gloriana has crawled up to the safety gate in the kitchen door and has propped herself up on it.

That's Gloriana!

Yup, that's Gloriana.

She's Confessor's sister. [He tends to speak of himself in the third person. Hasn't started with the royal "we" yet, though.]

Yup. She's your sister. And you're her brother.

No, Confessor is a goofball.

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The Confessor smacks down Daddy

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  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Lately my daughter refers to herself as a "dinosaur duckbill t-rex"; no other label is appropriate and gets immediately rejected. I am pretty sure the only way you could have a duckbill/t-rex combo is if one of them were in the stomach of the other, but I haven't been able to get that point across yet. The best part of her whole dinosaur obsession was watching her and SO pick out a costume: all were utterly rejected without a second thought in favor of the dinosaur costume. We will probably never get her to
  • okay, he identifies strongly with you. Be happy :)
    Unless you're sure he knows the potential negative connotations of that label?
    Goofball may just be a casual, friendly male to him.
  • i have been thinking of y'all a lot lately (AWESOME baby pics you posted, btw) because i've been reading this book 'the nurture assumption' which talks a VERY great deal about how kids are hardwired to speak languages of the regions they are growing in, no matter WHAT teir parents speak to them full time.

    It's fascinating, and i recommend it to you on that account.

Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
