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Astonishing video footage from WWII

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  • At least have him "walk the dog".

    Thanks for this morning's chuckle.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Heh. My favorite such mucking-around-with-GIFs is this one. []

      What's cool about it is the way they faked KITT bouncing (and thus rotating in space) with a 2D source image. If you look carefully you see how they did it -- by snipping KITT's image into overlapping slices and faking the foreshortening that way -- but it's a slick piece of work.

      Speaking of Hasselhoff, this page [] never fails to crack me up. ("David Hasselhoff has also been credited as the direct cause of the fall of East German Communism, when a

      • Wow, that is pretty impressive. Wonder why they didn’t bother to have KITT’s LED scan back and forth while they were at it.

  • Eth, can't you be arrested in Germanland for having such imagery on your website?
    • Not really. There are exceptions for when people can post a picture of Hitler or a swastika. If the picture glorifies or seems to glorify Hitler or Nazism, then yes, I could get into hot water. But if it's a parody or has historical or educational value, such as a documentary, it's OK.

      They frequently show documentaries on German TV about the Nazis and the war (far from "don't mention the war", they mention it quite a lot) and the swastika is seen in them quite a bit.

      German satire magazines, such as Tita []

  • Mock the war []

The moon may be smaller than Earth, but it's further away.
