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Journal Ethelred Unraed's Journal: Au pair pr0n 16

Since BoE wants to go back to work next year, I've vaguely thought about getting an au pair to take care of the young'uns. Recently, in a local group for English-speaking ex-pats, an au pair sent an e-mail to the group's discussion list, so I dropped her a line to ask what au pairs make 'round these parts and so on. She said she got her job though, so I commenced to poking around the site a bit.

I came across a profile of a "22-year-old British girl" named Sophie, whose picture raised a flag with me. Her profile description, however, is priceless.

"Hi, I am looking for a new experience. I love children (do we all say that?!!) I have never been an aupair before but have done quite a lot of babysitting. I'm reliable, friendly and down to earth. I'll happily help with housework and if I could be considered as one of the family for a while it would be great. I like travel and have been all over the world though not stopping for long! I love pets and enjoy horse riding. I'm a good swimmer and am flexible and will fit in with your requirements. One thing I'd like to add is that I enjoy naturism so if possible I'd like a family who wouldn't mind me not wearing clothes at home some of the time. Well that's about it for now, hope to hear from you!"

(Why sure, I think I'll recommend this one to BoE!)

Whoever made that profile page owes me a keyboard.

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Au pair pr0n

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  • I once worked with an ex-marine who had been stationed in the Phillipines in his youth (During the Vietnam era I think).

    He mentioned that things were so cheap that he could afford to buy a house there for his stay. He could even afford to hire a maid.

    Then he paused a moment and said: "A multi-purpose maid".

    Seems to me like a multi-purpose au-pair is the way to go!
    • Maids everywhere but america aren't that expensive. My brother's good friend is moving from Brazil back to the US. His wife had one kid, then twins a year afterward. Doesn't know how she'll deal with both the kids AND the housework now that they can't afford a live-in maid...
      • True, but you ususally have to pay by the hour for multi-purpose maids...
        • by ces ( 119879 )
          I'm told the 'extra' services really don't cost all that much more some places like the P.I.
      • My cousin and his wife had a maid when they lived in Shanghai. She would change the sheets every time they had sex. I have no idea why she was inspecting things that closely.
  • When does she start?
    • Yesterday!

      Uh, I mean, how dare you imply I'd hire a tart like that! Shame! Sh...naturism? Whoa! And she's flexible!



      • Naturist just means she cooks with organic foods, right? Something like a vegan, but they eat free range meat or something... You want your kids to eat healthy, right?

        (Way to funny of a je - the pic even shows up on my blackberry)
    • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
      Actually Eth should sell it to the wifey as a money making proposition: with a live webcam in your living room you could probably make more than you have to pay her.
  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *
    Whoever made that profile page owes me a keyboard.

    It's gotta be a joke...... right? I mean, nobody could write that with a straight face.

  • just to have an excuse to hire her. :-)
  • Her picture "raised my flag" too...
  • Or does there seem to also be an air of hand that rocks the cradle? As in the movie.
    Saying she just wants to be accepted as one of the family for a while hints at something sinister...

<< WAIT >>
