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Journal INicheI's Journal: Why?

Ok this goes down as "Flamebait" (Somone else wrote this.)
> Newsforge and Slashdot are both part of VA Linux.

And they all suck dick

Ok and my comment (much more insightful I might add)goes down as "Flamebait"

Many of ya'll might know this, but the Xbox is simply huge. This thing is a monster, it is like more than 2 times the size of the PS2. Nintendo and Microsoft are way to late with their systems. PS2 has the games, the support, and the time advantage. Their will be no competion. Who wants to be associated with microsoft (shouldnt have said that one) and Nintendo wouldnt license thier system to the Pope. Nintendo is a real pain in the ass to deal with. So sorry microsoft and nintendo, to late :)

Well I will just have to live with it.

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