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Journal Kelson's Journal: Semantic Comments

I've noticed one aspect my Slashdot use has changed since Slashdot's CSS makeover last year: the way I quote.

I used to do it simply: I'd just surround the pasted text with <i>...</i> tags, and let Slashcode fill in the paragraph breaks. It served as a visual cue. In fact, since most people quote at the top of the comment, it's more aesthetic than a plain, default indent-and-nothing-else <blockquote>.

Since the CSS redesign implemented a visual style for <blockquote>, I've actually started using the <blockquote> tag. Sure, it's longer to type, easier to misspell, and means I have to add all the paragraph tags and switch from "Plain Old Text" to "HTML Formatted" -- but it looks enough better that it's worth the effort.

Yes, actually, I am a standards-based web developer. Why do you ask?

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Semantic Comments

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
