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more interesting ways to torture oneself...

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  • I think it's uite telling that the first link is to a site called "Testosterone Nation."
  • Set 1 - 15 reps and feeling good
    Set 2 - 13 reps and starting to get an good pump
    Set 3 - 11 reps and my quads are screaming
    Set 4 - 10 reps and I am starting to hate this.
    Set 5 - 8 reps and questioning my sanity and barely able to control the descent into the bottom position.
    Set 6 - 7 reps and told my daughter she was out of my will when she said two more sets daddy
    Set 7 - 5 reps and my lower back starts to give out, can't feel my legs.
    Set 8 - 5 reps and I want to die. Bridget says,"all done daddy" and

The moon may be smaller than Earth, but it's further away.
