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Journal spun's Journal: Moderation System is Down 7

What's up with the meta moderation system? It's been asking me to meta moderate for two days, but every time I click the link, it says the moderation system is down. And I've seen stuff being moderated during that time. Has anyone else had this issue?

As a related aside, it's been over a year since I've had mod points. I still have excellent karma, and haven't done anything different than I have for the past ten years here. I think all my anti-libertarian ranting must have pissed off one of the editors. You know how those liberatrians are, they're all like "Oooh, my rights! my rights!" then they stab you in the back for disagreeing with them.

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Moderation System is Down

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  • by grub ( 11606 )

    Heheh.. I haven't had mod points for at least 3 years I'd bet. I figured it was because I use to call down Michael "Ahab" Sims all the time. I emailed asking about it and got a reply suggesting that visiting too often could cause that. Weird, though, I don't read /. all the time.
  • It's been like this at least two days; the message is mis-leading (strange happening on Slashdot, no?) since the moderation system seems to work, so it appears to only be the meta-moderation system that is not. I suspect they're making changes, though Taco knows what they could be doing.

    As to mod points, I just started getting them, although they seem to come in fits and starts, as if they want to test out my ability to handle moderating more frequently. Frankly, i don't see how the system works and I can

    • by spun ( 1352 )
      Fits and starts is how you get them, it's random. But as grub mentioned (I knew this but had forgotten) posting too much will get you off the list. Frequent posters are slashdot's bread and butter, they don't want to mess that up by giving you mod points so you can't post and mod.

      And yeah, the mod system does work pretty well.
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        Ahh it all becomes clear; they are witholding mod points from me so they can enjoy my sparkling wit.
  • I can't stand most of my fellow libertarians on a personal level. I think too many of them came to libertarianism from Rand/Objectivism which ranks right up there with Scientology on my Batshit-Crazyloco-O-Meter (and scarcely a libertarian philosophy when you look at it).

    I just happen to believe it's my job to help out those less fortunate than me, but it's not my job (or anyone else's) to tell others they have to do the same.

    Personally, I love a good argument, and some of my closest friends are quite

    • by spun ( 1352 )
      I don't believe it is my right to force other to help people they don't want to. However, I see nothing wrong in implementing a society where helping others is a precondition to obtaining the benefits of being in that society. That would be forcing me to help someone I don't want to. So when all the property in the world is owned by socialists like me, non-owners will have three options, be a socialist, starve, or overthrow the property system and grab some property of their own.

      Kind of like the options ava
  • i get mod points without fail every 1-2 weeks and without fail use at least 4 of them to mod down people who say nice things about Apple.

Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow.
