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Journal lyoz's Journal: Money is like...

... relatives

Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
forget about your worries and your stress

Where do all the idealists come from? And what happens to all of these insignificant clowns, these... them.

There is this guy that I barely know, and he greets me eagerly and with warmth. People show their eagerness through their smiling and hungry eyes, and they show warmth by physical contact... a handshake, a pat on the back or even a hug.
I don't like it when people, whom I cannot hug, greet me eagerly and with warmth.

We surround ourselves by people, the basic requirement for a sane existence. We define categories, like labeled boxes, and pack our friends, family, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances in these boxes. Handle with care, breakable goods. We define ourselves by defining our interface and our relation with others. But is it only human beings that we fall in love with, hate, lie to, hurt, destroy, or hug.
There are some boxes for certain tangible objects, like the red sports car, or the lounge couch, or the old t-shirt. We rank these items, love them, hate em, shuffle them around, hold on to them... It makes us feel more real, giving life and meaning to these mere objects.

I hold my opinions dear, I hold my relations strongly with conviction, and I respect my decisions no matter how bad things go. You cannot live with yourself otherwise, can you? Everything I do, I do it for self, through someone else... a person, a thing, or an image. Moving people in and out of the various labeled boxes is something dear to me. And when someone in a smaller box, with eager and warmth, talks to me about some things, tangible or not, that I had placed in a bigger box, out of necessity or choice, I find this offensive and almost frightening. You see, people talk and give you their opinion. They say things. They mean things. They believe they are saying what they mean. You cannot just ignore that. That would be dishonesty to self.

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Money is like...

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