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Journal mhesseltine's Journal: Pondering moderation and slashcode

How many bad mods does it take to lose your +1 bonus? Also, as a couple of mods to /code:

  • Story rejections should say which editor rejected the story, and why. This would give people a chance to figure out what they're doing wrong in submission, and hopefully, contribute better stories to /.
  • Moderations should be identified, so that, much like the court system, you can confront your "accuser". I've seen some really odd mods, and think that, rather than getting offtopic trying to discuss the moderation, you could take the discussion to journals or email and fix things that way.Update: after thinking about this for a while, I thought, why not have a setup where, when you want to question the moderation of one of your posts, there's a button that allows you to send a message to the moderator. You don't need to know who it was, because /code can fill that in when you send the message. The mod could then send you a message back.
  • If /code will allow the < (ampersand,lt,semicolon) and > (ampersand,gt,semicolon), why won't the system allow (ampersand,copy,semicolon) or (ampersand,trade,semicolon)?

O.K. I think I'm done ranting for now.

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Pondering moderation and slashcode

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
