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Journal cyranoVR's Journal: Musings!

On watching Attack of the Clones after August 2006

Enough is enough - I am sick and tired of these mutha-fuckin' droids on this mutha-fuckin' plain!!!!11#^$&%

On the "Culture of Life"

Some Real Clear Politics (*snarf*, great name) douchebag thinks those Fox News Journalists should have been tortured and murdered rather than do a (false) conversion to escape captivity.

Who is it that wants to take us back to the Middle Ages again?

Guess (once again) we see that the vaunted "Culture of Life" is DAO. My "friends" on the right would like to see Americans martyr themselves in their Holy War against all of Islam.

Hey fuckwads - ever heard of crossing your fingers? (idiots).

On Pandora Internet Radio

Apparently I am a big fan of "hard rock roots, punk influence, subtle use of vocal harmony, melodic phrasing and major key tonality."

Result: every other song is by Fall Out Boy.

On "Appeasers"

LOL I wonder if Winston Churchill ever had his picture taken shaking hands with Hitler LOL


Seriously though, do you think this idiots realize what asses they are making of themselves. Keith Olbermann smacks them down - if you haven't seen it already, watch it.

LOL at Eclipse not having the Safe Delete refactoring

I downloaded 3.2 just to see how its come along. Not much has changed...and now I really see how deficient it is after a year of coding with IntelliJ. How are people productive with this thing? I just got finished refactoring a 100+ class legacy project into patterns, and I can't imagine having done it without Safe Delete. Just...wow.

IntelliJ 6 Beta is already available (Sam, you should download it) - the final release is going to rock. Eclipse is good for hobbyists that don't want to pay for an IDE, I guess, but if you are a professional programmer, paying for an IDE is worth it for the return on productivity (remember, it's a tax deductible business expense).

Eclipse has plugins blah blah blah - is your time money or not? All that time you spend installing "free" Eclipse plugins and getting them to work (fucking with "Perspsective" settings and all that crap) could be spent actually writing code.

On Hypocrisy

My "friends on the Right" have been unwilling to hold street protests condemning the unbroken string of Religious terrorist bombings against women's healthcare providers that have been ongoing since the mid-80's.

Why is that?

Because instead of being "pro-Life" they are actually pro-Murder. They secretly cheer when someone with an opposing view point is ruthlessly slaughtered. "Well, what did they expect to happen?" is the kackling refrain. And now, with the emergence of Federal funding for "Faith-Based Initiatives" we have the United States' own state-sponsored terrorism.

When I see a protest in the street by a Conservative group against these bloodthirsty murderers and terrorists, then I'll be satisfied.

On Mod-bombing

I unleashed my rightous fury on certain deserving fools earlier this week and it felt goooood. Best part is: meta-mod results still at 90% noobs.


This discussion was created by cyranoVR (518628) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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To restore a sense of reality, I think Walt Disney should have a Hardluckland. -- Jack Paar
