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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Article submission: Censorship Choice: Light or Heavy 5

Oops... I forgot that you can submit from your journal! That's ok, 'cause the resulting articles look rather lame, anyway. Anyway, here's my latest submission, in case the situation is too common to bother reporting any more.

Update: Rejected. But it took almost 12 hours, and from what I hear, that's almost as good as being accepted! Maybe it'll show up in a Slashback or something.

While some librarians are fighting for individual rights, others appear to be welcoming Big Brother with open arms. In suburban Dallas, a library patron requesting Internet access was given a choice, of sorts: Censored, or Extra Censored. One filters out "obscenity only", while the other filters out both "obscenity" and "material considered to be unlawful". As a helpful aside, the library's Internet policy acknowledgement form notes that both terms "are defined by the Texas Penal Code". The librarian's reaction to his request for "No Censorship" would be funny, if it weren't so telling.

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Article submission: Censorship Choice: Light or Heavy

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  • ...they have 3 libaryuns and around a dozen machines in the adults section. One librarian just sits at her desk and watches what sites people are surfing. That's it! There's some filter, for instance, any webpage that apparently has the word "nazi" on it won't show up, sends you to an error/warning page that you are attempting to access "hate speech".

    Maybe they rotate that nanny chore around, but you can stand at the desk and see the screen, they just constantly rotate around and are looking at the
    • There's some filter, for instance, any webpage that apparently has the word "nazi" on it won't show up, sends you to an error/warning page that you are attempting to access "hate speech".

      Giving new meaning to Godwin's Law: Call someone a "nazi" in an ad hominem attack, and the thread is not only over, but will be censored.

      Reminds me that a satire [] I recently posted to Randi Rhodes message board got deleted, presumably for being "hate speach."

      And this could have really bad consequences if you were in a ne
      • by zogger ( 617870 )
        The real stoopid part is that there are pure caucasian looking muslims, black ones, yellow ones, brown ones, etc-about the same as any other religion. You can't do it.

        With that said, all this terrorism is lame, it is way more about mass conditioning the peepz to accept bigbro rule.
    • I assume you aren't posting this from there.
      If so then wouldn't it censor this post itself.
      • by zogger ( 617870 )
        It was more generic content than the single word, but I didn't think about that (to check) when I was there. A lot of libraries follow ADL/SPLC guidelines, there's tremendous pressure to do so..although that results in a rather one sided skew and view to things. I had my old survival site blocked for instance in several of the net nanny type softwares. Now why rice and beans storage discussion and how to trap muskrats, etc got blocked I am not sure, but I think because it had the e-vile word "survival" in

Only God can make random selections.
