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Journal tuxette's Journal: last night's wet t-shirt contest... 2

Yep... it's a new semester of Krav Maga, and a new gang of mighty manboobed meat monsters. It tends to hurt the eyes when the air conditioning in the training room is busted and everyone's (uniform) white t-shirt gets soaked through with sweat. Where's the brain bleach?

Otherwise, it was a great training session last night. We did lots of cool exercises, old and new, and had lots of fun. Both boyfriend of tuxette and I are now feeling the positive effects of all the hardcore condition training we've both been doing this month. It's kind of difficult to describe - we get "pleasantly tired" as opposed to "exhausted." I'm not sure about boyfriend of tuxette, but I could have gone on for another hour or so...

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last night's wet t-shirt contest...

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  • So, now you have become desensitized to the sight of a gang of mighty manboobed meat monsters in see-through t-shirts? Since it is a widely believed fact that such gangs roam the streets of Oslo, your class surely wasn't a waste of time. ;)
  • I decided to join my friends in their new mountain biking hobby by purchasing one of their old bikes. My 1st time out was with the previous owner, taking it slow because I have not ridden in years. We do one lap of their course, about 7 miles, I'm tired, but not huffing or anything.

    We decide on a 2nd lap, but left out the technical part and just did the off-road cruise part which is about 4 miles of pretty easy, fast riding. About 2/3 the way through the energy bar I ate after the first lap wore out and

It's time to boot, do your boot ROMs know where your disk controllers are?
