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Journal tuxette's Journal: SHIT! 4

We were going to have a nice bacalhau dish for dinner tonight, baked in our (well, boyfriend of tuxette's) Schlemmer-topf. After the food had been in the oven for a little while, we smelled something burning, and boyfriend of tuxette went to have a look.


I went quickly into the kitchen and looked in the oven. There was a big crack in the clay pot. Shit, shit, shit... Boyfriend of tuxette managed to take the pot out of the oven and hold it together, while I scooped the food into a boring stainless steel pot.

Yeah, the food is saved, but we're both in a foul mood now. We need a new Topf, and cleaning up the mess in the oven (the liquids that seeped out) is not going to be fun :-(

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  • i have a romertopf.

    Hate to see a good dish gone bad.

    did the food at least come out all right?

    • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
      Yeah, the food turned out quite OK. We had to add some extra broth and spices to make up for what seeped out of the crack in the pot, but that's nothing compared to what could have happened to the food. We got really lucky...
  • I hate cleaning ovens!
  • Sorry to hear about the dinner cracking!

    Sometimes the companies that makes these cookware are happy to replace one that broke under normal use-- it works in their favor as otherwise you might tell your friends not to bother with their product-- and seeing as you weren't trying to cast silver with it or using it to hammer in a nail, you'd most likely be covered. If they've an 800 number or website, I'd definitely call them! I had a friend who I was helping to move an armoire that lost a crucial metal fixtu

A modem is a baudy house.
